Giant Aardwolf
Giant Aardwolf
skill 7 (Adult); 4 (Young)
stamina 7 (Adult); 3 (Young)
Habitat Plains, Wilderness
Number Encountered 1-6
Type Mammal, Animal
Reaction Neutral-Unfriendly
Intelligence Low

Giant Aardwolves were a species of large canine.


They were approximately the size of a large wolf, but much leaner. Their short coats were yellow-grey in colour, with irregular black stripes that helped them to hide within the long grasses of their homes.[1]

They normally fed on insects, but they would not hesitate to defend themselves when threatened by large creatures. If more than three were encountered, the others would likely be cubs.

The adults would be more on their guard, and would not hesitate to guard their young.[1]

Giant aardwolf meat was edible, particularly the thighs. It can be roasted on a spit and would be nourishing if eaten. An aardwolf joint, at the price of 2 Gold Pieces , was a speciality of Pookie's Eating House, a subterranean tavern in Shaggradd's Hives.[2].

Origins and Distribution[]

The giant aardwolf was found only on the warm southern plains, where they would roam in small packs.[1] Given that they occurred on the Encounter Table for Plains, it was probable that they could be found in similar habitats across all three continents.[3]

They were related to hyenas and likely to other similar creatures such as mordidas and gutterlags. Indeed, the fact that they were specifically described as "Giant" Aardwolves would suggest that the normal Aardwolf also exists on Titan, though none are ever mentioned in canon. Having said that, a Giant Aardwolf was found in a kennel in Shaggradd's Hives of Peril, and in this instance the terms Giant Aardwolf and Aardwolf were used interchangeably.[4].

Further Information in Canon[]

More information can be found at:Source[5]
Out of the Pit (Large) (pg16#*, pg126)
Allansia (pg135)
Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-playing Game (pg150*, pg152, pg168-169#)


# - denotes a reference with statistics
* - denotes a picture




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