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"References Needed!" Hamaskis demands it

Greater Gods is a term applied to those gods that make up the Upper Chamber of the Celestial Court.

They are the gods who helped create the physical aspects of the world of Titan. The members of the Celestial Court in its meaning as the Upper Council of Heaven are:

Greater Gods of the Celestial Court
Name Image Domain
Titan Titan-Titan Heavens; Father of the World
Sindla Titan-Sindla luck and Fate
Glantanka Titan-Glantanka Sun
Lord Moon/Lunara Lunara Moon
Filash Filash Fire
Sukh Sukh Storms
Hydana Hydana Oceans
Pangara Pangara Winds
Throff Throff Earth and Rock
Assamarra Deserts
Galana Titan-Galana Plants & Fertility
Hamaskis Hamaskis Learning
Aqualis Rivers
Farigiss Farigiss Ice & Cold
Atlan Messenger of the Gods
Kilanirax Kilanirax Dragons
Verlang Metal workers
Lorodil Volcanoes
Logaan Logaan-Hashak-Slangg-and-Libra Neutrality

Logaan rarely attends the Celestial Court, however, generally preferring to remain on Titan.[1]

Sindla and Hamaskis are also members of the Hall of Mind.

The relationships between these Gods can be seen by viewing the chart of the Celestial Court.


See Also[]

See Also[]


  1. Titan p. 45