
Primal Deities are the ancient deities who it is believed created the gods (or the younger gods as they are called when in reference to these ancient deities).

Their worship is now all but forgotten. They are Ashra, Vuh and Elim.[1] It is believed they came from the Primal Chaos. Their names mean "Light", "Life" and "Dark"; it is believed by scholars like Gereth Yaztromo that their religion revolved around the creation and worship of such absolute concepts.[2] They are widely believed by Titan's theologians to have created the gods of the Celestial Court. [3] Some very ancient civilisations believed that preceding even the Primal Deities was their creator Arn. Some scholars believe that Time is a fourth Primal Deity.

See the chart below for the interrelationship with each other and with the younger gods.

The peoples of northern Allansia once worshipped these deities in abundance before the War of the Wizards. The Primal Deities were venerated on the eastern coast of the Flatlands.[1] They also had adherents in Carsepolis and Kaad. [4] Now their worship is limited to a few isolated settlements in the very far north.


See Also[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World - p. 28
  2. Allansia - pgs 201
  3. Blacksand! , pgs. 349-450
  4. Allansia pp. 241, 245