Fighting Fantasy Novels
Location: Allansia, Titan
Publication details
Author(s): Marc Gascoigne and
Ian Livingstone
Illustrator: Russ Nicholson
Cover illustrator: John Sibbick
First published: July 30 1992
Previous Book: Demonstealer
Next Book: Last in series[1]
ISBN: ISBN 0-140-32481-X

Shadowmaster is a fantasy novel written by Marc Gascoigne and Ian Livingstone and published by Puffin Books (ISBN 0-140-32482-8). It is based on Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone's Fighting Fantasy series. It is the third and last of the main Fighting Fantasy novel series.


"Arise, Master of Shadows! We command you to live again!"

Chaos stalks the wild lands of Northern Allansia. Cruel bandits raid the villages, ransacking and looting as they go. Now, though, the attackers are in search of a treasure far more valuable than gold. Driven by their inhuman leader, they are in pursuit of the key that will unlock the very mysteries of life and death itself!

The sorcerer Yaztromo, for so long the self-appointed guardian of the lands around Darkwood Forest, cannot stand idly by while his countrymen are put to the sword. With Chadda Darkmane close at hand, Yaztromo embarks on a quest to discover the source of the raids and the sinister reason behind them.

What they discover is that when Chaos rules, nothing can ever be as it seems. Fair hides foul, insanity hides inner order, and darkness lurks deep within the light. Can Yaztromo and Darkmane defeat these illusions to discover the real master of the shadows? Only
Shadowmaster, the third Fighting Fantasy novel, can tell you!

Shadowmaster - Back Cover

Cawlis the Shape Changer and his small army of chaotics are ransacking villages in Allansia in an attempt to find certain artifacts that will enable Cawlis to ressurect Axion, the long-dead sorcerer who created the race of Shape Changers. Additionally, Cawlis hopes to learn how to create new lifeforms and to learn the secrets of the Bloodstone, a gem Axion created and which now houses his spirit against death.

Chadda Darkmane along with Gereth Yaztromo, Weasel and Star assault Cawlis' stronghold and try to destroy the Bloodstone and banish evil.


1: The Fourth Village[]

2: From a Distance[]

3: Footsteps[]

4: Finding Patterns[]

5: Drystone[]

6: Well Met![]

7: Awakening[]

8: Finding a Guide[]

9: A Nice Quiet Job[]

10: Star[]

11: Tell Us the Secret[]

12: The Hellsgate[]

13: Elumbar[]

14: Cheating Death[]

15: Flying High[]

16: Into the Hellsgate[]

17: The Bloodstone[]

18: Things that Crawl[]

19: Away[]

20: Clouds and Claws[]

21: In the Forest[]

22: Elsewhen[]

23: Face-off[]

24: Master of Shadows[]

25: The Shape of Death[]

Cover and Illustrations[]


The original cover of the book was designed and illustrated by John Sibbick.

Shadowmaster Cover Variants
1992 1993
ShadowmasterCover ShadowmasterNoFoil
Bronze-Foil No Bronze-Foil
£3.991 £X.xx

  1. Price of 1st Impression


The interior illustrations were by Russ Nicholson. There was 1 two-page spread, 16 full page illustrations, 3 top-half two-page spreads, 6 paired vertical half-pages and 3 minor repeated illustrations used above the chapter titles.

Intertextual References[]


Other Media[]

Main Characters[]

Main Locations[]

Further Notes[]


This book is for Bill King,
the real Master of Shadows.[2]

See Also[]


  • "...if you consider this book against the FF gamebooks you see that the plot is pretty good and in fact more complex than normal. If Mr. Gascoigne had turned this novel into a gamebook, he would have had a sure winner on his hands."[3]

External Links[]


  1. However, a second series of novels followed in 1994: The Zagor Chronicles.
  2. Shadowmaster - pg.5
  3. Internet Archive record of a review at the original Fightingfantasy.com - Retrieved 2019-11-11