
Spoiler Warning!!!: Plot and/or ending details of a Fighting Fantasy publication follow. Please DO NOT read this article if you do not want foreknowledge of this publication. Although the article below is based on canon, some of its content is considered extrapolation because it assumes a certain course of events through an adventure that has many possible routes. Finally, the use of "Hero" and other male- gender expressions pertaining to the subject in the article and/or title of the article is not intended to exclude the possibility that the hero was female.

"Spoiler!" Beware!

The Hero of The Dark Chronicles of Anakendis was a "strong and courageous" adventurer "dedicated to the slaying of evil" who passed through the town of Kokbridge on the way to visit a friend in Fang. There, the hero was told that an evil wizard called Anakendis was threatening the town and agreed to destroy him in lair, a small system of caves nearby.[1]

The hero succeeded and was rewarded with hundreds of Gold Pieces and precious jewellery and gems.[2]

It is possible that the hero also took part in other books, either before or afterwards.

See Also[]

