Adventure Gamebooks
Cretan 3
Location Greece, Earth
References 600
Publication Details
Author(s) John Butterfield, David Honigmann and Philip Parker
Illustrator Dan Woods
Cover illustrator Michael Embden
First published February 27 1986
Number 3
Previous Book At the Court of King Minos
Next Book Last in series
ISBN ISBN 0-14-031814-3

Return of the Wanderer is the third and final volume in the Cretan Chronicles trilogy of gamebooks and was written by John Butterfield, David Honigmann and Philip Parker, illustrated by Dan Woods and published by Puffin Books in 1986 (ISBN 0-14-031814-3) under the Adventure Gamebooks banner which also covered the more popular Fighting Fantasy and the related Sorcery! series, as well as the Starlight Adventures and the one-off Shakespearean-era role-playing game Maelstrom.



Fight for Athens and your life!

As the young hero, Altheus, scourge of the ungodly, YOU have survived the Perils of Crete, slain the Minotaur and are now triumphantly setting sail for Troezen and home.

But your voyage will be long and dangerous. Beware the storms and perils that will surely beset you - the Clashing Rocks, dark dangers of the Underworld, slavery and shipwreck, as you struggle towards the fulfilment of your noble quest!

All you need is two dice, a pencil and an eraser to embark on this heroic adventure in the land of myths and legends.
Return of the Wanderer can be played on its own or as part of the whole Cretan Chronicles epic adventure.[1]

Covers and Illustrations[]


The original cover of the book was designed and illustrated by Michael Embden.


The interior illustrations were by Dan Woods. There were 46 full page illustrations, including the black and white map accompanying paragraph 435, and 6 minor repeated illustrations scattered throughout the text. The paragraphs with a full page illustration were: Interior cover page, 1, 14, 27, 46, 61, 73, 85, 103, 118, 132, 148, 157, 171, 186, 199, 214, 226, 239, 255, 265, 282, 290, 300, 311, 325, 334, 344, 361, 375, 389, 407, 422, 435, 447, 459, 473, 489, 506, 513, 522, 538, 550, 562, 572, 591, and 600.

Further Notes[]

See Also[]

External Links[]


  1. Return of the Wanderer - Back Cover
