
1d6 or 2d6 are used to represent one or two dice in this article What is the 6 there for?

It is standard roleplaying terminology for six-sided dice (as opposed to, for example, 1d10, which would be a roll on a single ten-sided die). Paltogue 13:32, 26 June 2009 (UTC)

Right, I included some passages: uses of stamina, importance of stamina and importance of luck, and changed the importance of skill one a bit. I don't actually say one's more important than the other, and much of the comments I make imply it depends on the gamebook. Neevrtheless, might be a bit too subjective, and comments of the importance of each might be judged unnecessary; if they warrant deletion or moving or whatever that's fair enough - I won't have an aneurysm! Cranec 15:49, 3 August 2009 (UTC)
