Mini Fighting Fantasy Adventures
Location: Allansia, Titan
References: 200
Publication details
Author(s): Andrew Whitworth

Illustrator(s): Mark Dunn
First published: September 1985
Publication: Warlock (Issue 6)
Previous Mini-FF: Dungeon of Justice
Next Mini-FF: The Temple of Testing

For other uses of The Dark Chronicles of Anakendis, see The Dark Chronicles of Anakendis

The Dark Chronicles of Anakendis is a single-player role-playing mini adventure written by Andrew Whitworth, and illustrated by Mark Dunn. It was published in 1985 in Warlock Issue 6 by Games Workshop. It has not been reprinted since.



You are requested to save a village from the evil attentions of the wizard Anakendis; you have to brave the terrors of a monster-infested cave system and destroy both Anakendis and the source of his power – the Dark Chronicles.[1]

How to Fight Creatures of the Dungeon

The mini adventure in general follows the original rules set down in The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (see Game System).

Unique Rules

Players can only eat Provisions when allowed by the instructions on a page, and only one meal can be eaten at a time. Also, while a player has only one Potion, it contains two doses.

Equipment List

  • Sword
  • Shield
  • Leather Armour
  • Backpack
  • 5 Provisions
  • Choice of one of three Potions (see Game System for generic fantasy setting choices)


The illustrations were by Mark Dunn. There were 5 full page (or equivalent) illustrations and 6 minor repeated illustrations scattered throughout the text. The paragraphs with a full page illustration were: How to Fight Creatures of the Dungeon, 22, 142, 143 and 180.

Intertextual References

Main Characters

YOU: Hero of The Dark Chronicles of Anakendis



Further Notes


  • One of the options at (176) is to turn to (173) which is on the same page and is a fatality. Also (195) has one of the options to turn to as (196)!
  • (25) with the option to leave the room should be (151) not (138).

See Also


External Links

