
Traole was a large city in the central region of Sunara, largest island of the Isles of the Dawn.


Traole was the provincial capital of a central region of Sunara[1]. To the south it was enclosed by vine-covered hills, to the north loomed the Golden Crane Mountains, standing between the city and the sea. The city was enormous with many thousands of people populating its busy streets.[2]

There was a tribunal and people queues in a courtyard where people queued before being admitted to the judges to present their complaints.[3]

The main temple to Arn was huge, with many shrines and altars[4] dedicated to various aspects of the god of the Isles of the Dawn. Here, the priests were red clad and skilled in the practice of exorcism.

The road leading out from the East Gate was oft used by traders going to and from the Shenglai people of the east.[5]



