Varek Azzur
Race/Species Human

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Lord Varek Azzur is the infamous ruler of Port Blacksand in Allansia.[1]

Early Life

Varek was born into the noble House of Azzur in Arion, north-east Khul. Neither the day nor year of his birth (reckoned by some to be 223AC) are certain. His birthday is officially celebrated in Port Blacksand on the 4th of Winds, though acolytes of the cult of Kukulak are required to celebrate a new birthday from the day when they are initiated into the cult (which would presumably then have been the 4th day of Birds Chatter).[2]

Acolyte of Kukulak

His fall from grace came at the age of sixteen when he was converted by devotees of Kukulak, the Khulian god of Storms, whose cult in Arion worshipped the god in a most unwholesome manner. Clad in thick black clothes, the devotees of the god burnt brands into their faces and bodies as part of their initiation. If scars formed themselves into Kukulak's runes then the acolyte would be accepted, if not then death would follow. Azzur was forced into becoming an acolyte but as a result of the scarring ran away for fear of his parent's reaction. They were never to see him again.

Life of Piracy Begins

He fled Arion for Corda but the merchant ship he was on was raided by pirates operating from the Rockwall Islands. He was effectively kidnapped by the pirates and converted into one of them quickly rising to become second in command. He moved on to operate out of the Arrowhead Islands as a pirate warrior. The first time he was known as a pirate Captain was when his pirate galley, the Face of Chaos raided the port of Merluk in the extreme south-east of Allansia. This was nine years after his disappearance from Arion. Six years of raiding the southern coastline of Allansia raised his reputation further.


Crest of Lord Azzur

Port Blacksand

It was in the fourth of those years that Azzur's boldest move was made when he stormed Port Blacksand in 252AC deposing Illios Valentis hanging the Baron from the highest tower of his palace. That palace was torn down and in 254AC Lord Azzur's new palace was finished. Azzur quickly formed an elite City Guard. In 257AC Azzur instituted the bizarre New Year event of executing several of the most prominent citizens and distributing their riches to the poor. The scars that Varek Azzur has as a result of his induction to the cult of Kukulak have bound him to that god, yet he does not display them proudly. Rather he hides them under a veil and few have ever seen them. It is said that those that have and tell the tale have little time left on this mortal coil. Lord Azzur only occasionally ventures from his palace, but when he does so it is inside his ornate coach and he will always be swathed in his black robes. Azzur is served by a select band of trusted people, who have been taken from their homes at a young age never to return. They are trained to be loyal to Azzur above all else and may never leave the palace. Only the most trusted servants, for example the coachman and the head of the kitchens are allowed contact with the outside world. Azzur himself rarely speaks to an outsider directly except when speaking in anger.

Lord Azzur Today

Azzur still likes to sail the Face of Chaos out of harbour on raids up and down the "Pirate Coast". He remains calm and assured, intellectual and mystical, and is a clever tactician and inspirational leader. He is rarely seen in public, save at the gladiatorial arena.

Knowledge of Azzur

Azzur is a mysterious figure even in Blacksand, where he is only occasionally seen, covered entirely in black robes. Only two people are said to have seen his face; his personal holy-man who he consults once a month, and, according to popular legend, Drogo Widemouth, who snuck into the palace through Blacksand's extensive sewer system, and entered his bedchamber at night; his dismembered body parts were later discovered as a warning to others.[3]

While the House of Azzur is well known in the city of Arion, it was the famous historian, scholar, and traveller, Zelakar of Chalannabrad who brought knowledge of Varek Azzur's background to the rest of the world.[4]

Rulers of Countries or City-States
Preceded by
Illios Valentis
Ruler of Port Blacksand
252AC to present
Succeeded by

